четвртак, 2. јул 2015.

Prince from the bank

I had a long thought about what to write today... then I stumbled upon an interview in the papers which was done with girls who are about 13 y/o, and they've already had sex with not only people who are their own age, but with old mature men too. That profound interview that was done with the kids in whose age I was playing with dolls shocked me and gave me an Idea to write about early sex exp. and the increasing number of filled jobs for starlets. Who should we blame for this? The parents who talk to their children about the birds and the bees? The schools because they think it's more important to teach kids how does a sea cucumber reproduce, or TV which promotes various prostitues nowdays called "starlets"?! The perfect life of silicone beauties on yachts, who only had one job to get a diamong ring, and that is to spread their legs. Now imagine children who poison their minds with things like these. On the other end, we have parents who are at first glance normal and show their children cartoons instead of Reality TV. Then we have those famous Disney princesses that we all grew up with. But do they have a bad influence on little girls who hope they will have a fairy tail like Beauty and the Beast, who later on in life catch a man who could be their father and politely said looks a little bit like a beast, and with him they get a nicer castle than the one Bell had?! How can you not let your child get home by midnight when Cinderella gets back at midnight? My favourite princess was Ariel who walks down the beach naked, but then again didn't leave an influence on me to visit nudist beaches. Should Disney cartoons be banned for people who are younger than 18? What should we do so we don't see younger generations becoming the new Kim Kardashian? The worst of all is that all of those girls are out partying untill the morning on rafts, walking on high heels like storks, lurking the prince from the bank, and they often at first glance appear like they are 25, which is almost twice their age. If we isolate kids from all of the factors that hypnotize them to become starlets, we have to isolate them from the whole world, but then we make morons out of the children. Today, the only thing you can do is to give birth to a child and pray that it will be normal one day, which is unlikely to happen, so a better option is to get a lotto ticket and maybe you will have more luck. And if that doesn't happen, well, don't worry... your daughter's boyfriend will take you for breakfast in Rome, a lunch in Paris, who btw has more age than you two combined.

Dugo sam razmisljala o cemu bi novi post mogao da bude...a onda sam u novinama videla intervju koji je uradjen sa devojcicama koje imaju u proseku 13 godina,a koje su vec stupale u seksualne odnose sa ne samo svojim vrsnjacima,vec i mnogo starijim vec uveliko zrelim muskarcima. Taj 'dubokoumni' intervju dece u cijim sam se godinama igrala barbikama me ja zgranuo i dao mi ideju da pisem o temi preranog stupanja u seksualne odonose i sve vecem broju popunjenih radnih mesta za starlete. Koga da krivimo za to? Roditelje koji deci pricaju o pceli i cvetu? Skole jer im je bitnije da nas nauce kako se razmnozava morski krastavac,ili TV koji propagira raznorazne bludnice moderno nazvane starlete?! Savrseni zivot silikonski lepotica na jahtama,koje su za dijamantski prsten jedino morale da rasire noge. Sada zamislite decu koja se truju takvim stvarima. Sa druge strane imamo roditelje koji su na prvi pogled normalni i umesto rijaliti programa pustaju deci crtane filmove. Onda nailazimo na cuvene Diznijeve princeze uz koje smo svi odrasli. Medjutim da li i oni lose uticu na devojcice nizeg staleza koje se nadaju da ce imati bajku kao Lepotica i Zver,tako sto  kasnije ulove coveka koji moze otac da im bude i koji blago receno lici na zver,a uz njega dobijaju lepsi dvorac od onog koji je imala Bell ?! Kako da detetu ne dozvolite da se vrati kuci u ponoc kad se i Pepeljuga tada vraca? Meni je Ariel koja seta gola po plazi bila omiljena princeza,ali opet nije uticala na mene da posecujem nudisticke plaze. Da li Diznijeve crtace treba zabraniti za mladje od 18? Sta preduzeti da vise ne gledamo mlade generacije kako izigravaju nove Kim Kardasian? Sto je jos gore sve te devojicice do zore luduju na gradskim splavovima hodajuci na stiklama kao deprimirane rode,vrebajuci princa iz banke,a cesto se na prvi pogleda ucini da izgledaju kao devojke od 25 godina,sto je skoro duplo vise nego sto imaju. Ako decu izolujemo od svih faktora koji te hipnotisu da postanes starleta, moramo da ih potpuno iskljucimo iz spoljasnjeg sveta  , a onda od dece pravimo debile. Izgleda da ti danas preostaje jedino da rodis dete i molis Boga da bude normalno,sto je malo verovatno da se desi,pa bolje uplati loto tiket mozda ti se vise posreci,a ako se ni to ne isplati,pa nemoj da se brines... vodice te cerkin decko na dorucak u Rim,a na rucak u Pariz,koji inace ima vise godina nego vas dve zajedno.

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