недеља, 9. август 2015.

Fort Mamula

Hey everybody, so after a long time I managed to write a new blog post. I was traveling a l lot, but I couldn't find a place with normal internet speed. In todays post, I'll reveal a part of my summer adventure. So besides all the places I went to, I also went to Montenegro, and I couldn't miss the opportunity to visit an island called Lastavica, known as Mamula. The fortress on this island got its name by its creator - Lazar Mamula. Mamula became a concentration camp, know by its cruelty. To be honest, I've never heard of this island before untill I watched a horror film about it last year. I don't really believe in those mythical creatures which appear in the film, but the scenes from the movie gave a certain magical feeling to this trip. I don't want to make this longer, and I hope that these photos along with the video tell you everything.

четвртак, 23. јул 2015.

Modern Princess

Many girls dream about becoming princesses. With this wonderful outfit, at this magical fortress I managed to make my old dreams come to life and for a short time become a modern 21st century princess.

    Words : ME
      Photos : ItsTheGru
     Dress : KNOCK KNOCK
      Hells : IRON FIST
          Bag : PAPARAZZI
          Lipstick :  MAC

среда, 15. јул 2015.

Women discrimination

 Woman disrcrimination... I believe that everyone will understand this post unless the ones who are against feminism.  We live in a time where we evolved in all aspects, but every day we face with covert forms of exclusion, harassment, humiliation and violence towards women. The world is full of sterotypes who say that a woman only exists for reproduction and doing housework. If a woman says that she's not ready for marriage or kids in her 30's, she is faced with humiliation with people saying to her that she will become a crazy old lady with a hundred cats. On the other side, when that same woman goes to a job interview the first thing they ask her is if she wants to have kids, and if she does she can't have the job. Everybody thinks that a woman shouldn't do as much work in her life as a man does in his, because she will get everything she wants easily just because she's a woman. One time, one of my professors let some boys from the class pass even if they didn't deserve it, while some other girls who really worked hard and really needed the grade got: "You are women, just marry a rich man. You don't need school". I'm a woman so what? Does that mean that I can't be educated and successful? Does me not being a guy make me handicapped? If we graduate from amazing colleges, that means we just had to spread our legs to get a diploma... God fobid for me to be in the same or a better position than a man. When I said I would like to do something related to politics, I got mocked by my male friends, and they said that a woman can't be a politician. Women are always going to be the ones who can't drive, can't do a particular sport just because it's for the "big guys". A woman can't play football, but it's totally ok for a man to be a model. And because of those big macho men who show their manhood by sexualy harassing women, I can't walk on the street normally withouth having to turn around every five seconds just because I have to make sure I'm not being followed. Our lifespan goes to half every time we are in an elevator with a stranger, and of course every time we're in public transportation and even if it's not that crowded, there's always gonna be that asshole who grabs your behind. Whose fault is that? You're afraid because you are a female, they are too sensitive, it's not his fault that you have big breasts, so he had to use the opportunity the time when you were with him in the elevator to rape you, also it's your fault you turned your back to a old pervert so his hand just accidentally grabbed you ass by itself. You caused trouble for yourself just because you wanted to look pretty and have nice makeup on. And if we aren't dressed nicely, then we are not real women and we don't take care of ourselves. If someone on the street doesn't rape you, there's probably a man waiting for you at home who is going to punch you just because his lunch isn't heated enough, or he's just crazy jealous. If we marry a older guy we are gold diggers. If we marry a younger guy, we are old ladies who are firsty for chicken. And if we marry someone our age we will always be his mother who will help him get everything he wants in his life, so he can dump us for a younger and prettier lady at the end. Of course a guy who marries a woman who is 30 years younger than him is a playboy, and the one who hooks up with an older lady is a player. When a guy has a one night stand, he's "the dude", and when a girl does that she's a heartless bitch. A woman is expected to get up in the morning, makes her hubby breakfast, puts together an outfit for the day, takes care of the kids, take them to school, goes to work (if her husband even lets her have one), the man expects from her to feel the scent of his favorite meal when he gets home, while the scent mixes with her Prada perfume, and her Kim K butt is showing, peeking from the oven while he's waiting for his lunch to get served he puts his muddy shoes on the table, wants his sex bomb to bring him a cold beer, after lunch he goes to take a nap because he's too tired. For that time, the wife takes care of the kids, goes to an occasional gossip party with her girlfriends, cleans the house because she lives with a parasite (her husband) who when he wakes up wants for his woman to take care of his other needs. Do I need to be a slave just because I'm a woman? Just because I'm a woman I can't fight for my rights and other needs.  You can write a lot about this subject. Everybody should fight for what they want and should be independent. My decision is to not spend my life in front of the stove. I admit I can't even make soup, and I will learn the day I find a husband who is willing to share all of the chores. I decided that I want to build a successful career, and do what I love/want, and when I get those goals I will marry a man who is not afraid for me to be as successful as he is or even more successful than him.  I'm not going to be the princess who is gonna wait for her prince charming to change her life. I choose to have my life in my own hands.

P.S. You big macho men who only want male children, how do you plan on having more slaves when you don't like female children.

Diskriminacija zena...verujem da ce ovaj post razumeti svi sem protivnika feminizma.Zivimo u veku kada smo na svim,aspektima napredovali mnogo,medjutim svakodnevno se susrecemo sa prikrivenim formama isključivanja, omalovazavanja, uznemiravanja, ponizavanja i nasilja zena. Svet je pun stereotipa koji nalazu da zena postoji iskljucivo zarad reprodukcije i obavljanja kucnih poslova. Ako zena kaze da jos nije spremna za brak ili decu u svoj tridesetoj godini,nailazi na prekore i ponizavanja kako ce ostati usedelica sa sto macaka. Sa druge strane opet ista ta zena kada ode na razgovor za posao prvo sto je pitaju jeste planira li da radja decu,i ako planira ne moze da se zaposli.  Za zenu smatraju da ne mora mnogo da se muci koliko muskarac kroz zivot,jer ce sve lako dobiti samo zato sto je zena. Jednom prilikom je jedan moj profesor progledao kroz prste decacima i poklonio ocenu,a oni pri tom nisu ni prstom mrdnuli  da bi postigli neke rezultate,dok odredjenim devojicama koje su se trudile i kojima je zaista bila potrebna ocena rekao : "Zensko ste,udajte se bogato vama skola ne treba". Zensko sam pa sta? Zar ne smem da budem obrazovana i uspesna? Da li to sto nisam muskog pola znaci da sam hendikepirana? Ako zavrsimo odlicne fakultete,za diplomu smo rasirile noge...Ne daj Boze da budemo na istom ili boljem polazaju od nekog muskarca. Kada sam rekla da bih volela da se bavim politikom,naisla sam na ismejavanje muskog dela svog drsutva,kako zena ne moze da bude politicar. Zene su vecito te koje ne znaju da voze,one ne mogu da se bave odredjenim sportovima jer je to samo za "velike muskarce". Zena ne sme da se bavi fudbalom ali muskarac moze da se bavi maneknstvom. Zbog tih svih "velikih muskarcina" koji svoju muskost pokazuju seksualnim uznemiravnjem zena,ne mozemo da hodamo normalno ulicom uvece a da se ne okrecemo non stop u strahu da nas neko prati. Pola zivota nam se skrati kada smo same u liftu sa nepoznatim muskarcem,a naravno u svakom gradskom prevozu gde je bar mala guzva,nakacice se neki seronja da ti posteno izvata zadnjicu. Ko ti je kriv za to? Plasis se zato sto si zensko,one su previse osetljive,nije on kriv zato sto ti imas velike grudi,pa je  morao da iskoristi to sto ste sami u liftu da te siluje,takodje si kriva zato sto si ledjima okrenuta matorom manijaku pa je jednostavno njegova ruka sama poletela ka tvojoj zadnjici. Sama si izazvala svoju nesrecu zato sto si se lepo obukla i nasminkala. A ako nismo doterane onda nismo pravo zensko i ne vodimo racuna o sebi.Ako te neko na ulici ne siluje,kod kuce cete verovatno sacekati jos jedna muskarcina koja ce te iznabadati nekoliko puta jer je bolesno ljubomoran ili mu nije rucak dovoljno podgrejan. Ako se udamo za starijeg onda smo sponzoruse. Ako se udamo za mladjeg onda smo matore babe zeljne piletine.Pak ako se udamo za svog vrsnjaka onda cemo mu vecito biti majka koja ce mu pomoci da se ostvari kroz zivot,da bi nas na kraju sutnuo zbog mladje i lepse. Naravno muskarac koji ozeni 30 godina mladju je Plejboj, a onaj koji smuva stariju ribu je nevidjeni smeker. Kada muskarac ima avanture za jednu noc,on je smeker,kada zena to uradi ona  je bezosecajna kucka. Od zene se ocekuje da ujutru ustane,postavi svom muzicu da jede,spremi mu sta ce da obuce tog dana,da sredi decu,da ih odvede u skolu,da ode na posao (ako joj muz dozvoljava da ga ima),muz ocekuje od nje da kad dodje sa posla oseti miris svog omiljenog jela koji se mesa sa mirisom Prade,dok vidi zadnjicu poput Kim Kardasian kako viri iz sporeta,dok ceka da mu se postavi rucak dize svoje blatnjave cipele na sto,trazi da mu njegova seks bomba donese hladno pivo,nakon rucka odlazi da dremne jer je je l te previse umoran. Za to vreme zena radi sa decom,obavi po koju trac partiju sa drugaricama,sredi kucu po stoti put tog dana jer zivi sa parazitom (muzem) koji kada se probudi odlazi sa drustvom na fudbal,a kada se vrati znojav i prljav uskace u cistu posteljinu pored premorene zene od koje trazi da zadovolji i ostale njegove potrebe. Da li samo zato sto sam zena znaci da treba da budem rob? Zato sto sam zena ne smem da se borim za svoja prava i iznosim svoje misljenje? O ovoj temi moze jos mnogo da se pise. Svi treba da se borimo za ono sto zelimo i budemo nezavisini. Moja je odluka da zivot ne provedem pored sporeta.Ne znam da skuvam supu iz kesice a naucicu samo onog dana kada nadjem muza koji je za to da sve poslove podelimo na pola i budemo ravnopravni. Resila sam da cu izgraditi uspesnu karijeru,i baviti se onim cime zelim,a kada dostignem sve ciljeve udacu se tek za muza koji se ne plasi da budem uspesna kao on ili cak uspesnija. Necu da budem princeza koja ce cekati svog princa na belom konju da joj promeni zivot. Biram da sama uzmem svoj zivot u svoje ruke.

P.S. A vi velike muskarcine sto priznajete samo musku decu,kako planirate da i dalje imate robove,kad su vam zenska deca ne prihvatljiva?

субота, 11. јул 2015.

Black lace

The outfit that I wore in todays post is a little bit different from my regular outfits. But aftere these photos I think that I will wear more things like these you see. 


Words : me
Photos : ItsTheGru
Dress : NewYorker
Hells : Botuique Chic
Bag : Louis Vuitton
Lipstick : NYX Cosmetics (Bruised Rouge Meurtri LSS555)

четвртак, 2. јул 2015.

Prince from the bank

I had a long thought about what to write today... then I stumbled upon an interview in the papers which was done with girls who are about 13 y/o, and they've already had sex with not only people who are their own age, but with old mature men too. That profound interview that was done with the kids in whose age I was playing with dolls shocked me and gave me an Idea to write about early sex exp. and the increasing number of filled jobs for starlets. Who should we blame for this? The parents who talk to their children about the birds and the bees? The schools because they think it's more important to teach kids how does a sea cucumber reproduce, or TV which promotes various prostitues nowdays called "starlets"?! The perfect life of silicone beauties on yachts, who only had one job to get a diamong ring, and that is to spread their legs. Now imagine children who poison their minds with things like these. On the other end, we have parents who are at first glance normal and show their children cartoons instead of Reality TV. Then we have those famous Disney princesses that we all grew up with. But do they have a bad influence on little girls who hope they will have a fairy tail like Beauty and the Beast, who later on in life catch a man who could be their father and politely said looks a little bit like a beast, and with him they get a nicer castle than the one Bell had?! How can you not let your child get home by midnight when Cinderella gets back at midnight? My favourite princess was Ariel who walks down the beach naked, but then again didn't leave an influence on me to visit nudist beaches. Should Disney cartoons be banned for people who are younger than 18? What should we do so we don't see younger generations becoming the new Kim Kardashian? The worst of all is that all of those girls are out partying untill the morning on rafts, walking on high heels like storks, lurking the prince from the bank, and they often at first glance appear like they are 25, which is almost twice their age. If we isolate kids from all of the factors that hypnotize them to become starlets, we have to isolate them from the whole world, but then we make morons out of the children. Today, the only thing you can do is to give birth to a child and pray that it will be normal one day, which is unlikely to happen, so a better option is to get a lotto ticket and maybe you will have more luck. And if that doesn't happen, well, don't worry... your daughter's boyfriend will take you for breakfast in Rome, a lunch in Paris, who btw has more age than you two combined.

Dugo sam razmisljala o cemu bi novi post mogao da bude...a onda sam u novinama videla intervju koji je uradjen sa devojcicama koje imaju u proseku 13 godina,a koje su vec stupale u seksualne odnose sa ne samo svojim vrsnjacima,vec i mnogo starijim vec uveliko zrelim muskarcima. Taj 'dubokoumni' intervju dece u cijim sam se godinama igrala barbikama me ja zgranuo i dao mi ideju da pisem o temi preranog stupanja u seksualne odonose i sve vecem broju popunjenih radnih mesta za starlete. Koga da krivimo za to? Roditelje koji deci pricaju o pceli i cvetu? Skole jer im je bitnije da nas nauce kako se razmnozava morski krastavac,ili TV koji propagira raznorazne bludnice moderno nazvane starlete?! Savrseni zivot silikonski lepotica na jahtama,koje su za dijamantski prsten jedino morale da rasire noge. Sada zamislite decu koja se truju takvim stvarima. Sa druge strane imamo roditelje koji su na prvi pogled normalni i umesto rijaliti programa pustaju deci crtane filmove. Onda nailazimo na cuvene Diznijeve princeze uz koje smo svi odrasli. Medjutim da li i oni lose uticu na devojcice nizeg staleza koje se nadaju da ce imati bajku kao Lepotica i Zver,tako sto  kasnije ulove coveka koji moze otac da im bude i koji blago receno lici na zver,a uz njega dobijaju lepsi dvorac od onog koji je imala Bell ?! Kako da detetu ne dozvolite da se vrati kuci u ponoc kad se i Pepeljuga tada vraca? Meni je Ariel koja seta gola po plazi bila omiljena princeza,ali opet nije uticala na mene da posecujem nudisticke plaze. Da li Diznijeve crtace treba zabraniti za mladje od 18? Sta preduzeti da vise ne gledamo mlade generacije kako izigravaju nove Kim Kardasian? Sto je jos gore sve te devojicice do zore luduju na gradskim splavovima hodajuci na stiklama kao deprimirane rode,vrebajuci princa iz banke,a cesto se na prvi pogleda ucini da izgledaju kao devojke od 25 godina,sto je skoro duplo vise nego sto imaju. Ako decu izolujemo od svih faktora koji te hipnotisu da postanes starleta, moramo da ih potpuno iskljucimo iz spoljasnjeg sveta  , a onda od dece pravimo debile. Izgleda da ti danas preostaje jedino da rodis dete i molis Boga da bude normalno,sto je malo verovatno da se desi,pa bolje uplati loto tiket mozda ti se vise posreci,a ako se ni to ne isplati,pa nemoj da se brines... vodice te cerkin decko na dorucak u Rim,a na rucak u Pariz,koji inace ima vise godina nego vas dve zajedno.

среда, 1. јул 2015.

WoMan Realm

Hello everyone! This blog is a place where can be found a lil bit of everything. Fashion, football, body care, food, are just some of the topics on which you will be able to find and read in one place. Step into a little WoMan empire and enjoy!